Friday, 30 November 2012

Simple salmon supper

Including fish in the family's weekly diet, particularly oily fish such as salmon, mackerel,tuna and sardines is something that some people struggle with. My own boys, given the choice would chose beer battered fish and chips before a salmon or mackerel fillet.
Over the years I have learned to vary the flavours and ways of cooking to ensure that they did get their recommended portions of fish every week

This salmon recipe is one that I cook regularly and if you're looking for a quick salmon dinner then this is one for you. I've also started using 'Seagreens' with many of my recipes and I find it works really well with this dish.

4 Salmon fillets
3 Tbsp Olive or cold pressed rapeseed oil
Zest of 1 lemon
2tsp Seagreens mineral salt.

200g Couscous
350 ml water
100g pitted olives sliced
10-12 Semi dried tomatoes roughly chopped
1-2 Tbsp olive oil
Seagreens Mineral salt to season.

To serve
Handful of torn basil leaves

Place the couscous in a heatproof bowl and pour over 350ml of boiling water.Cover with cling firm and leave for 10 minutes.
Place the salmon fillets in an ovenproof dish.  Mix the lemon zest and the olive or rapeseed oil together and pour over the salmon. Sprinkle the Seagreens salt over the fish and roast for 8 -10 minutes or until,cooked.

Divide the couscous between 4 plates and top with a salmon fillet. Scatter with torn basil and serve.

Written for Seagreens by Rachel Gillon, a food blogger from Renfrewshire. You can read Rachel's blog here

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Herb and Seagreens Mineral Salt Bread

This recipe is from Hannah Bailey who runs Wise Choice Nutrition. It was made in a breadmaker and ingredients are listed in the order for the specific machine. All machines vary so check before you start.

Herb and Seagreens Mineral Sat Bread (large loaf)

1 1/8 cups of water
2tbsp butter
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp Seagreens Mineral Salt
2 cups white flour, 1 cup wholemeal flour
1 1/4 tsp dried yeast
1 tbsp mixed dried herbs

You can visit Hannah's website at or Seagreens website to find out more about Seagreens and the products at 

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Latest media article

Did you see a mention of seaweed in the press last week? It's becoming increasingly popular with chefs and can retail for up to £200 per kilogram!!

Rory MacPhee has become the first person with a license to sell seaweed. In the UK, it is not currently legal to forage for food and then sell it on without a license. He is a founding member of the Seaweed health Foundation which is an independent foundation promoting the benefits of seaweed.

You can read more about the work he is doing here