Thursday, 31 May 2012

How can I use Seagreens in my diet

Seagreens culinary ingredient can be used as a flavouring for cooking for both sweet and savoury dishes and in salads. Here are a couple of recipes for you to try:

Sundried tomato and basil bread

400g strong white bread flour
5g Seagreens Wild Wrack
15g unsalted butter
5g yeast
250ml tepid water
10g sundried tomato paste
25g sundried tomatoes (chopped)
1 tsp dried basil
Preheat the oven to 230OC or Gas 8.  Place the dry ingredients in a large bowl, add the water a small amount at a time and mix to form a dough. Add the tomatoes and tomatoes paste and mix well. Knead until the dough is elastic and stretchy. Place in a greased baking tin and bake for 40 minutes or until golden brown.

Seaweed noodle salad (quantities adaptable)

50g noodles per person
Red pepper
Yellow pepper
1 tsp of Seagreens Food Granules
Soy sauce
Olive oil
White wine vinegar
Cook the noodles. Chop the vegetables. Add the seaweed. Mix the vinegar, oil and soy sauce together to make a dressing and pour over the salad

If you have a recipe you would like to share then email it to or

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Seagreens uses in treating ill health

There is an extensive body of research suggesting Seagreens has many uses in potentially preventing and treating ill health. Research suggests Seagreens may have a protective effect against:
  •          Cancer
  •         Cardiovascular disease and
  •        Immune problems

Seaweed may also have a role to play in the treatment of these diseases. It is the brown seaweeds which are thought to have this effect.

Due to its natural antibiotic and antibacterial properties, Seagreens products may also have a role to play in the treatment of:
  •          Candida
  •          Chronic fatigue syndrome
  •          Helicobacter pylori
  •          Hypothyroid
  •          Irritable bowel
  •          Immune deficiency
  •          Indigestion
  •          Stomach ulcers
  •          Mercury toxicity
  •          Weight problems

Seagreens appears to have a positive effect on the whole body, acting as a detoxifying and cleansing agent to improve health and remove waste products and toxins.

Seaweeds are highly nutritious and contain over 70 vitamins and minerals which the body needs. They are also a rich source of proteins making them ideal for vegetarians. As well as contain a wide range of vitamins and minerals, seaweeds also contain polysaccharides which are compounds that help the body cleanse and heal the intestines and assist with the breakdown of food.

If you feel your health needs a boost, try Seagreens today and see what a difference it can make. As little as 1g per day for adults on a regular basis can have a positive effect.

If you would like to know how Seagreens can help a specific illness, email us or You can also visit the website

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

How can Seagreens improve your health?

There are a number of ways Seagreens products can improve your health and wellbeing. Seagreens products provide a natural, comprehensive balance of macro and micronutrients with no excessive components.
The Food Capsules and Food Granules are a mix of  Ascophyllum, Fucus and Pelvetia (see images below, copyright Seagreens) which are harvested on the Outer Hebrides.





When mixed, these seaweeds provide a perfectly balanced and complete dietary foundation for everyday use. Seagreens is not powdered as this can damage the minerals. The seaweed is slowly air dried to avoid over heating which can also harm the nutritional profile. These types of seaweed are not to be confused with others such as deep water kelp or fresh water algae like spirulina, chlorella, or blue-green which do not have such a complete nutritional profile.

How can I use these in everyday life?

The capsules can be taken on a daily basis for many different things:
  •        As an aid to weightloss
  •          To help cardiovascular health
  •          To improve general health and wellbeing

The dose of the tablets depends on the reason for taking. Always read the label.
The food granules can be used in cooking. They are great as a salt replacement so are ideal for people with high blood pressure who are looking to reduce their salt intake. The granules add a slightly nutty flavour and go well in many dishes.

If you have a recipe you used Seagreens for, let us know! You can visit the website, email or

Monday, 28 May 2012

Where and how is Seagreens harvested?

Seagreens is harvested from the islands of the outer Hebrides in Scotland. Sustainability is very important to us and we have worked extensively to develop a sustainable method of harvesting. Only naturally regenerating seaweeds are used for harvest. All the seaweeds harvested by Seagreens are human food quality. It is vital to ensure seaweed and seaweed products have used human food quality seaweed and it has been properly tested for contaminants. All Seagreens products are rigorously tested to ensure they are safe for human consumption.

There are several different types of seaweeds harvested but all come from the Wrack family:
  •       Bladderwrack,
  •       caragheen,
  •       dulse and
  •         dabberlocks; murlin, thongweed and sea tangle

Wrack seaweeds are chosen because of their highly nutritious properties and broad range of nutrients. The seaweed is cut in crystal clear waters to allow them to re-grow. Only living plants are harvested, no drifting, beached or root seaweed. Once harvested, the seaweed is then cracked or granulated to produce the Seagreens products. It is milled on the spot to make sure the product is fresh and has nothing added or taken away.

Seagreens are certified free of environmental contaminants, toxic metal and microbial pathogens. They are fully organic and approved in line with Biodynamic standards in the EU and USA.

For more information on Seagreens, visit the website,email or

Friday, 25 May 2012

Why is seaweed so good for us?

Seaweed is a complete natural food. On its own, with nothing added, it can provide us with the full spectrum of nutrients needed by the body for optimal health. It can fill a gap left by the foods we currently eat. Many foods have seen a decrease in nutritional value over the past 50 years and a decrease in the consumption of vegetables and fish has led to our diets being less than satisfactory in most cases.

A lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet can cause deficiency diseases. However, in the UK, it is less likely to cause a deficiency disease as such and more likely to be an indicator of poor health. Diets low in vitamins and minerals tend to be high in processed foods which have very little nutritional value.

Our diets also contain a lot of toxins such as caffeine and alcohol which the body finds difficult to break down and consequently they cause an imbalance within the body. The consumption of other foods which give rise to intolerances such as modified wheat can also be helped by consuming seaweed.
Adding seaweed into your diet can help improve your health and overall wellbeing. Why not try this quick and easy way to include some:
  •         Chop some fresh seasonal fruit
  •         Mix a teaspoon of Seagreens food granules with 3 tablespoons of strawberry yoghurt
  •        Pour over the fruit and enjoy!

If you would like to know more about Seagreens and seaweed visit the website or email or

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Introduction to seaweed

When we talk about seaweed, most of us think of crispy seaweed from the Chinese which, more often than not, is in fact cabbage coated in salt and sugar! We don’t tend to think that seaweed can have any health properties when you see it lying on the beach. But, we’re wrong. Seaweed has a whole host of properties which could help improve our health. Many are still being discovered through on-going research.
Seagreens® Hebridean wild wrack seaweed

So what are the known benefits of seaweed?

·       Seaweed is a complete natural food which contains almost the full complement of nutrients needed by the body. This is particularly relevant given the decrease in nutritional value seen in many commonly consumed foods such as vegetables.

·      Seaweed can also help bring balance back to the body after it is upset by foods such as caffeine and alcohol.

·       Current research suggests seaweed can have an impact on appetite (Paxman et al., 2008) which could be key to helping the global obesity epidemic we find ourselves in.

·      There may be benefits to those suffering from high cholesterol or high blood pressure to consume seaweed in their diet as it is suggested, that seaweed may have a positive effect on lowering these. Raised blood pressure and cholesterol can be contributors to cardiovascular disease such as heart attacks and strokes.

How can you include seaweed in your diet?

The easiest way is to use Seagreens dried ground seaweed food products or take their award-winning capsules. These convenient food products can be sprinkled on during cooking or over almost any food, or soaked in water and added to salad and veg or on even pasta. Aim for 1 teaspoon a day to offer maximum health benefits. Seagreens also acts as a salt replacement in cooking. One of their products is already a mixture of salt and seaweed  called The Mineral Salt. If you would like more information on Seagreens products, visit the website or send an email to or