Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Introduction to seaweed

When we talk about seaweed, most of us think of crispy seaweed from the Chinese which, more often than not, is in fact cabbage coated in salt and sugar! We don’t tend to think that seaweed can have any health properties when you see it lying on the beach. But, we’re wrong. Seaweed has a whole host of properties which could help improve our health. Many are still being discovered through on-going research.
Seagreens® Hebridean wild wrack seaweed

So what are the known benefits of seaweed?

·       Seaweed is a complete natural food which contains almost the full complement of nutrients needed by the body. This is particularly relevant given the decrease in nutritional value seen in many commonly consumed foods such as vegetables.

·      Seaweed can also help bring balance back to the body after it is upset by foods such as caffeine and alcohol.

·       Current research suggests seaweed can have an impact on appetite (Paxman et al., 2008) which could be key to helping the global obesity epidemic we find ourselves in.

·      There may be benefits to those suffering from high cholesterol or high blood pressure to consume seaweed in their diet as it is suggested, that seaweed may have a positive effect on lowering these. Raised blood pressure and cholesterol can be contributors to cardiovascular disease such as heart attacks and strokes.

How can you include seaweed in your diet?

The easiest way is to use Seagreens dried ground seaweed food products or take their award-winning capsules. These convenient food products can be sprinkled on during cooking or over almost any food, or soaked in water and added to salad and veg or on even pasta. Aim for 1 teaspoon a day to offer maximum health benefits. Seagreens also acts as a salt replacement in cooking. One of their products is already a mixture of salt and seaweed  called The Mineral Salt. If you would like more information on Seagreens products, visit the website www.seagreens.co.uk or send an email to info@wisechoicenutrition.co.uk or info@seagreens.co.uk

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